Jiten Dhobi

Jiten Dhobi

Engineering and Process Head
  • Chemical Engineer from Shri S’ad Vidya Mandal Institute of Technology, Bharuch, India.
  • Has extensive experience of 9+ years of Shop Floor, Project Management and Administration from Garden Silk Mills, Nakoda Industries and 2 years of consultancy experience at Oerlikon Barmag Engineering [Did erection and commissioning of 600 tpd CP at Dhunseri Petrochem (Haldia, India) and 2 x 600 tpd CP at EIPET (Egypt)].
  • Has so far commissioned 13 Continuous Polymerization plants, executed many debottlenecking schemes and instituted product developments.
  • Has experience of Dupont (Chemtex), Zimmer, CTIEI, Huitong, John Brown, Joyou CP Technologies.